RLC Worship Playlist

Our worship never stops! We may be ‘self isolating’, the government may put the country in some sort of ‘lock down’ but one thing that can’t be ‘isolated’, one thing that can’t be on ‘lock down’ is our praise and worship to the King of Heaven. In Acts 16 – Paul and Silas found themselves in prison, they found themselves in ‘isolation’, they found themselves in ‘lock down’ but at midnight the Bible says that the prisoners were awoken to the sounds of praise and worship coming from the mouths of Paul and Silas. Check out Acts 16: 16-40.

In this unprecedented time that we are going through let’s determine ourselves to Pray, Praise and Worship. Amazing things can happen, amazing things will happen when we do this. 
Below you will find a list of faith filled, prophetic songs that we sing at Riviera Life Church.

Click on the link below and sing along:

Raise a Hallelujah

The Blessing

Way Maker

We Praise You

Who You Say I am

Lion and the Lamb

Do It Again


O Praise the Name

Build My Life

Great are You Lord

Great Things

Holy Spirit

In Christ Alone

In Control

King of Kings

Living Hope

Revive Us

This is Amazing Grace

This is how I fight my battles

What a Beautiful Name
