This is our final Growth Track Session on Joshua A Conquering Generation. A great session with input from guest contributors. Enjoy.
This is session 5 of our our Growth Track series Joshua A Conquering Generation. This session is entitled Lessons From The Conquest. In this session we look at the preparation leading to Jericho, The Battle of Jericho. We then make a quick study of Joshua 7 and the immediate hard lessons that Joshua learned and what he did to rectify the sin of Israel.
This is Session 4 of Joshua A Conquering Generation. Today we explore the significance of Joshua 5. The Israelites have crossed the River Jordan, momentum is on their side - they are going to take Jericho but Joshua decides to press the pause button on the momentum and stop. Why does he do this? He has to 're establish' some of the old ways not really known or practiced by the new generation. What does he have to 're establish' and why is this so significant to the children of Israel and the up and coming conquest?
This is Session 3 of our Growth Track series Joshua: A Conquering Generation. It's Time To Cross Over!
This is Session 2 of our Growth Track series Joshua A Conquering Generation.